Lombardi Marco

Marco Lombardi, director of ITSTIME (www.itstime.it) research center, is full professor at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, where he teaches Crisis management and risk communication, Mass Communication theory, Sociology, Intelligence and counter-terrorism, Security policies. He is the director of the Department of Sociology and the School of Journalism, member of the scientific board of the School of Doctorate and the master in Cultural Diplomacy. He managed several EU funded research projects mainly focused on terrorism, security and crisis management. He co-operates with different institutional agencies involved in security both at national and international levels. He is member of the board of “JD – Journal for Deradicalization” (www.journal-derad.com), “Journal of Mediterranean and Balkan Intelligence – JMBI” and “Sicurezza, Terrorismo e Società – STS” (www.sicurezzaterrorismosocieta.it).



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