Nebel Mathias

He was previously Professor of Ethics and Moral Theology in Mexico (2003-2008, UIA and ITAM), Research Associated at the Von Hügel Institute at the University of Cambridge (2008-2009), Coordinator of the Doctoral School of Theology of Eastern Switzerland (2010-2013, CUSO), and then Professor of Moral Theology at the Institut Catholique de Paris (Jean Rodhain Chair, 2011-2015). He also created and directed the Caritas in Veritate Research Foundation in Geneva (At the service of the diplomatic mission of the Holy See to the United Nations, 2011-2016). In the course of his career, he has addressed the proponents of a theology of grace and social sin (La catégorie morale de péché structurel, Paris: Cerf-Cogitatio Fidei, 2006); researched the tenants of an ethics of development (Transforming Unjust Structures, London: Springer, 2006 with Deneulin & Sagovski; Libertad como desarrollo en América Latina y el Caribe, México : UIA, 2014 with Flores Crespo & Herrera Rendon); and lately developed a common good approach to development (A common good approach to development, Cambridge: Open Books, 2022 with Sedmak & Garza-Vázquez).


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