
The Middle East amidst the ongoing global reordering

ASERI is happy to invite you to the


The Middle East amidst the ongoing global reordering
Marina Calculli


Friday 4 April 2025, h 5:00 pm
@ASERI  - Via San Vittore 18

The event is in presence only

Damiano Palano, ASERI Director, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Guest speaker:
Marina Calculli, Assistant Professor in International Relations at the Faculty of Humanities of Leiden University, The Netherlands

Paolo Maggiolini, Associate Professor of History of Asia and Wider Middle East, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Marina Calculli is a scholar of International Relations. Her research sits at the intersection of International Relations, Political Theory and Law, with a particular focus on the Middle East region. Marina is an Assistant Professor at Leiden University. She has held different teaching and research positions at various universities, including Columbia University and Sciences Po Paris as a Marie Curie Global Fellow, the George Washington University as a Fulbright Research Fellow, the American University of Beirut as a post-doctoral fellow, and the University of Oxford (St Antony’s College), as a visiting scholar and a Common Room Member.
She is the author of several publications in English and Italian, including Terrore Sovrano. Stato e Jihad nell’era post-liberale (Il Mulino 2018, co-authored with Francesco Strazzari) and Come uno Stato. Hizbullah e la mimesi strategica (Vita&Pensiero 2018). 


Free participation upon registration
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Info: info.aseri@unicatt.it

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