Plebani Andrea

Andrea Plebani is Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Geopolitics and History of Islamic Asia at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and Associate Fellow at the Italian Institute for International Political Studies. His research focuses on the evolution of modern Iraq and on dynamics of the jihadist galaxy. Among his publications: Andrea Plebani, La terra dei due fiumi allo specchio. Visioni alternative di Iraq dalla tarda epoca ottomana all’avvento dello “Stato Islamico” (The Land of the Two Rivers in the Mirror. Alternative Visions of Iraq from the Late Ottoman Era to the “Islamic State”), Rubbettino Editore, 2018; Andrea Plebani (ed.), After Mosul: Re-Inventing Iraq, Ledizioni LediPublishing, 2017; Andrea Plebani, Jihadismo globale. Strategie del terrore tra Oriente e Occidente (Global Jihadism. Strategies of Terror between East and West), Giunti, 2016; Andrea Plebani (ed.), New (and Old) Patterns of Jihadism: al-Qa‘ida, the Islamic State and beyond, Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale, 2014; Andrea Plebani - Omar Al-Ubaydli (eds), GCC Relations with post-War Iraq: A Strategic Perspective, Gulf Research Center, 2014; Andrea Plebani – Riccardo Redaelli, L’Iraq contemporaneo (Contemporary Iraq), Carocci, 2013.


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