
First Level Specializing Master | 20. Edition

International Cooperation and Development - MICAD

Academic Year: 2025/26
When: January 2025 - December 2026
Where: Milan @ASERI
Applications Deadlines: 

  • International candidates: 29 October 2025
  • Italian candidates: 23 November 2025


Change makers for global sustainable development


The Master in International Cooperation and Development (MICAD) offers a stimulating, interdisciplinary learning environment for addressing and exploring tentative solutions to poverty, inequality, conflict, instability and uncertainty which still affect the everyday life of a majority of the world population.



First level specializing master (Master universitario di primo livello)


1 year: January 2026 - December 2026
In presence classes + Project Work + Internship (3 months)



MICAD addresses to:

  • Young graduates with a strong interest in partnering for cooperation and development, willing to acquire interdisciplinary competences and professional tools.
  • Professionals in different fields who aspire to apply their competences to cooperation and development and want to reinforce their theroetical and applied competences.


Professional outcomes 

Thanks to the well-balanced mix between theoretical knowledge and practical approach, students acquire specific set of professional skills to successfully start a career in NGOs, international organizations, think tanks, and foundations at national and international level. 

Language of instruction

MICAD is taught in English


65 ECTS credits (60 minimum ETCS credits required to graduate)

Applications opening and deadline:

Applications opening:  March 11, 2025
Applications deadline:  

  • International candidates: 29 October 2025
  • Domestic Candidates: 23 November 2025
Prof Beretta's address

the director | video

Prof Beretta's address

MICAD offers a framework for interdisciplinary analysis of the global situation, among international students, scholars and professionals. We explore solutions to the world problems, through the coordinated efforts of governmental and non-governmental actors. Partnering is a key word in pursuing  development and inclusion: cooperation is about empowering the vulnerable, the poor in becoming protagonists of their own development. Partnering for development is about local projects, but even more about appropriate national and global policies. This is what I work for, this is what I invite you to work for.

Arianna Biguzzi


Combining one's passion with a high-level education such as the Master in International Cooperation and Development. Here is the story of Arianna Biguzzi and her internship at WeWorld Onlus.

Watch the video on Instagram and follow the ASERI page! 

Back in class... on the other side!


Back in class... on the other side!

Many faculty members of the ASERI Masters' programs have themselves been our students. Once graduated, they have gone on to brilliant careers in various fields and now return to share their knowledge and skills with the 'new generation' of the ASERI family.
And this is why we are particularly happy that Martina Albini and Eleonora Mattacchione have been the ambassadors of the NGO We World, where they started working, first as MICAD interns, and now as analysts in the Advocacy and Policy Department. During their lecture they held at the MICAD, they presented WeWorld and the results of their research.

Would you like to be updated on our programmes, courses and initiatives? Just send us your contact details