Change makers for global sustainable development
The Master in International Cooperation and Development (MICAD) offers a stimulating, interdisciplinary learning environment for addressing and exploring tentative solutions to poverty, inequality, conflict, instability and uncertainty which still affect the everyday life of a majority of the world population.
First level specializing master (Master universitario di primo livello)
1 year: January 2026 - December 2026
In presence classes + Project Work + Internship (3 months)
MICAD addresses to:
- Young graduates with a strong interest in partnering for cooperation and development, willing to acquire interdisciplinary competences and professional tools.
- Professionals in different fields who aspire to apply their competences to cooperation and development and want to reinforce their theroetical and applied competences.
Professional outcomes
Thanks to the well-balanced mix between theoretical knowledge and practical approach, students acquire specific set of professional skills to successfully start a career in NGOs, international organizations, think tanks, and foundations at national and international level.
Language of instruction
MICAD is taught in English.
65 ECTS credits (60 minimum ETCS credits required to graduate)
Applications opening and deadline:
Applications opening: March 11, 2025
Applications deadline:
- International candidates: 29 October 2025
- Domestic Candidates: 23 November 2025