
First Level Specializing Master | 12. edition

Master in Middle Eastern Studies - MIMES

Academic Year: 2025/26
When: January 2025 - December 2026
Where: Milan @ASERI
Applications Deadlines: 

  • International candidates: 29 October 2025
  • Italian candidates: 23 November 2025


Understanding and interacting within the complexity of a crucial region: the Middle East

From cradle of ancient civilisations to the core of the geostrategic interests of the international system in the present day. 

Knowing the Middle East, its history, culture up to the most current geopolitical issues, therefore, becomes a key asset. 

The Master in Middle Eastern Studies – MIMES is tailored for graduates of various disciplines and backgrounds, who are interested in obtaining a better knowledge of the region, taking into account its social-historical complexity and cultural plurality.

The program aims to offer solid multidiscipinary perspectives of the current domestic, regional and international dynamics affecting the stability of the region, as well as a critical outlook on current debates over the Middle East.


First level specializing master (Master universitario di primo livello)


1 year: January 2026- December 2026
In presence classes + Project Work + Internship (3 months)


MIMES addresses to:

  • Young graduates throughout the world with a strong interest in the wider Middle East and willing to specialize their competences.
  • Professionals who aspire to deepen their knowledge on Middle East


Professional outcomes 

Thanks to the holistic approach to the Middle East, both in terms of topics (culture, politics, economy, finance, business) and in terms of geographic coverage (with specific regional focuses), MIMES offers an unparalleled knolwedge platform to boost your current or future career as a 360° degrees expert on this crucial and fascinating area, opening a wide range of career opportunities in research centres, think tanks, international institutions, NGOs, regulatory bodies and in the private sectors

Language of instruction

MIMES is taught in English


65 ECTS credits (60 minimum ETCS credits required to graduate)

Applications deadline: 

  • Applications opening:  March 11, 2025

  • Applications deadlines:  

    • International candidates: 29 October 2025
    • Domestic Candidates: 23 November 2025


Prof Redaelli's address

the director | Video

Prof Redaelli's address

MIMES is tailored for graduates of various disciplines, who are interested in obtaining a better knowledge of the ME region, considering its social-historical complexity and cultural plurality. The program aims to offer solid historical, political and institutional perspectives of the current domestic, regional and international dynamics affecting the stability of the region, as well as a critical outlook on current debates over the Middle East. Renowned professors from all over the world are part of its Faculty, whose members have a long experience as field-researchers or in situ professionals.

MIMES highlights


MIMES highlights

Watch the MIMES presentation held in June 2022. 
Discover al the features of the Master and get caught up in the explosive enthusiasm of Ora Duffley, MIMES Alumna, connected from the United Nations Headquartes in New York.

Emily: MIMES was a real watershed


Emily: MIMES was a real watershed

"I will always be grateful to MIMES for having prepared the way for me to keep pursuing my interests and aspirations in the field of International Relations in the Middle East".
Read the story of Emily Tasinato, MIMES 2021/22: what the Master gave her, her inetrnship and, later on, work experience at the Med'Or Foundation. 
What can make us, at ASERI, prouder that an Alumna success story?  
Raad more here

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