Giovanni CONIO, classe 1964, è un Ufficiale dell’Esercito (Tenente Colonnello) proveniente dai corsi regolari dell'Accademia Militare di Modena.
In possesso della qualifica “Intelligence” (2° livello) in incarichi di staff ha, per circa 15 anni, servito il “II Reparto Informazioni e Sicurezza” dello Stato Maggiore della Difesa quale:
In particolare, nel periodo trascorso presso il CIFI/GE si è occupato della revisione dell’iter formativo per il personale impiegato nella branca intelligence, curando personalmente l’organizzazione di:
Nell’ambito dell’ampia offerta formativa del CIFI/GE ha inoltre effettuato, in qualità di relatore/insegnante, numerosi interventi tra i quali: storia dell’intelligence, ciclo intelligence e sue fasi, principi dell’intelligence, Intelligence Requirements Management and Collection Management (IRM & CM), Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment (IPOE), fonti e discipline intelligence, bias cognitivi e analisi delle informazioni, critical thinking, creative thinking, critical reading, tecniche e strumenti di analisi (Analysis of Competing Hypotheses - ACH).
Attualmente in servizio presso il “Comando per la Formazione, Specializzazione e Dottrina dell'Esercito” (COMFORDOT) in Roma, dal 2020 è Coordinatore del “Consiglio Scientifico e di Indirizzo” dell’Associazione Italiana Analisti di Intelligence e Geopolitica (AIAIG).
Giovanni CONIO, born in 1964, is an Army officer (lieutenant colonel) from the regular courses of the Modena Military Academy.
Holding the "Intelligence" qualification (2nd level) in staff assignments he has, for about 15 years, served the "II Information and Security Department" of the Defense General Staff as:
In particular, during his time at the CIFI/GE he was responsible for revising the training course for personnel employed in the intelligence branch, personally overseeing the organization of:
As part of the CIFI/GE's wide range of training offerings, he has also performed as a speaker/teacher, numerous speeches including: history of intelligence, intelligence cycle and its phases, principles of intelligence, Intelligence Requirements Management and Collection Management (IRM & CM), Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment (IPOE), intelligence sources and disciplines, cognitive bias and information analysis, critical thinking, creative thinking, critical reading, and analysis techniques and tools (Analysis of Competing Hypotheses - ACH).
Currently serving at the "Comando per la Formazione, Specializzazione e Dottrina dell'Esercito" (COMFORDOT) in Rome, he has been Coordinator of the "Scientific and Steering Council" of the Italian Association of Intelligence and Geopolitical Analysts (AIAIG) since 2020.