
Learning objectives

MEPIN offers a wide range of scientific tools and specific skills, which are essential for understanding the economic and political phenomena linked to globalisation and the functioning of public and international institutions.
The basis on which the entire programme is developed is linked to the study of economics, law and institutions, and international politics
The programme also provides the multidisciplinary and managerial knowledge necessary to address issues such as sustainable development, globalisation of markets, population ageing, migratory phenomena and, more generally, forms of cooperation between public authorities and private economic operators aimed at achieving a common objective, such as the provision of a service or the creation and management of a project.
The study of the areas of intersection between the public and private sectors, from the local to the global level, requires skills in both the economic-financial and public-policy fields, as well as knowledge of the legal, regulatory and communication aspects of the relationship between the parties. 

Master Structure

Four semesters - Two campuses
The academic part of the Master is divided between the USICampus, in Lugano (two semesters) and ASERI – Università Cattolica Campus, In Milan (one semester).
In the last (fourth) semester, on top of some seminars, to complete the program students are required to develop a personal research project on an issue related to Economics and International Policies, under the supervision of a MEPIN professor. The project work may be developed with reference to the internship experience.
Finally, internship in a national or international institution concludes their master’s experience. 


Hereafter the list of courses offered at USI and ASERI. For the detailed curriculum of the courses, please visit the relevant USI page.

1. Semester (@USI)

Economic and Methodological Area 

  • Macroeconomia internazionale or Macroeconomics I
  • Microeconomia or Microeconomics I
  • Il pensiero economico nella storia delle idee e dei fatti
  • Metodi per la ricerca sociale I or Microeconometrics I

Sustainable Development Area  

  • Energy and climate policy for sustainable development
  • Economia del settore non-profit 
  • Management ed innovazione nella pubblica amministrazione e nel non profit  or Political economy and public finance I

Political-institutional Area

  • International Law
  • Financial Accounting or Sustainable Finance and Ethics
  • English for studies in economics and international policies
  • Seminario alpino per lo studio dello sviluppo sostenibile
2. Semester (@USI)

Economic and Methodological Area  

  • Economia pubblica
  • Metodi per la ricerca sociale II

Sustainable Development Area   

  • Environmental Law and Policy
  • Globalization, Development and Migration
  • Population Aging and the Sustainability of the Welfare State
  • Public Policy Analysis or Economics of Well-Being or Configurazioni geopolitiche e narrative della regione del Medio Oriente Mediterraneo
  • Sustainable management

Political-institutional Area 

  • Governance del sistema globale
  • Politica internazionale
  • International Trade Law and Sustainable Development

Elective Courses

  • Introduzione alla scrittura scientifica
  • Teoria dello Stato

3. Semester (@ASERI)

Economic Area

  • Analisi dei mercati internazionali e rischio Paese
  • Economia dei conflitti e relazioni economiche globali
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Economia dei mercati emergenti e rischio Paese
  • The Economics of Disasters: An Introduction

Institutional Area

  • Diritto umanitario
  • Elementi di contrattualistica e regolazione degli investimenti internazionali

Political Area

  • Multinational Enterprises in the Contemporary Global Political Economy
  • Crony capitalism, finanza underground e ruolo del crimine organizzato
  • Transizione energetica e democrazia ambientale
  • Elementi di politica comparata
  • Processi del policy making e dilemmi morali: concetti, teorie etiche e casi empirici
  • Metodologia della ricerca Politica e Sociale
  • International Relations of the Middle East
  • Politiche pubbliche dell'Unione Europea

Geopolitics and transforming order

  • US foreign policy since the end of the Cold War
  • Rise of China and Transformation of World Politics
  • The Latin American emerging role in world economy and geopolitics
  • The EU in the global arena
  • Humanitarian Studies: An Interdisciplinary Approach
  • The African continent in the geopolitical scenario 
  • The return of Russia into international politics


  • Indagini sulla democrazia
  • L’economia politica degli Stati Uniti d’America.Tra protezionismo e liberoscambismo.
  • Introduzione all'analisi testuale con Constellate
  • Public Speaking


Credits and degree

MEPIN awards a 120 CFU double degree:

  • a Swiss Master's degree awarded by USI (Laurea magistrale under Swiss law)*
  • a first-level university Master's degree awarded by Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan (under Italian legislation)

*We remind that the Master's Degree released by USI is an international qualitification. As for the recognition of the degree in Italy, please check this page on the USI website.  


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