Career prospects

Multifold career paths

MAGS provides graduates with a comprehensive approach on global studies and international relations from the political, economic and juridical side, as well as specific focuses on regional areas, thus opening to a wide range of career paths:

  • International Institutions
  • Private Companies
  • Research Centers
  • Public Administration
  • NGOs



A three months intership will facilitate the students's access to their professional career. 

Preparation to the internship will be supported by orietation meetings with the master's staff and by dedicated courses with experts in the HR sector. 

Here below the companies, institutions and NGOs that have hosted the MAGS students between 2020 and 2024 and many others in the past editions of the Master.

KPMG Turkey (Turkey), CESVI (Italy), Regione Lombardia (Italy), Enterprise Ireland Milan Representative Office of Italian Senate in Brussels (Rome – Brussels), EcoPeace Middle East (Isreael), Regione Liguria (Italy),  ETRO S.p.a. (Italy), UNICEF (Italy), EMERGENCY (Italy), Industrial Trade Union (Brussels), Italy-Germany Chamber of Commerce DEInternational (Italy), Institute of Development Impact (Washington USA), Court of Justice (Luxembourg), European Union Special Representative Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnia), SAFILO (Italy), Fundacion Democracia Panamericana (USA), Trinomics (Netherlands), Panama Embassy in Rome  (Italy), Mexican Embassy in Milan (Italy), AFOL Metropolitana (Italy), European Policy Center (Brussels), Italy-Canada Chambers Of Commerce (Canada), We Media (Malta), Havas PR Milan (Milan), Stonycreek Farmstead (New York), Attika  For Solidarity (Greece), Azione Contro la Fame Onlus (Milan), Comune di Milano (Milan), Confindustria Bruxelles (Belgium), Bicasa (Monza), Citta Metropolitana di Milano (Milan), Jammy Dude (Milan), Unione Consulenti Srl (Milan), Cesie Ets (Palermo), Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (RomE), Idea Consult (Bruxelles), Joel Nafuma Refugee Center (Rome), Sant'anna Institute (Sorrento), Fondazione We World , Academy For Cultural Diplomacy (Berlin), The International Team For The Study Of Security (Verona), Artsana Group (Milan)

Getting ready for the job market

Preparation is 90% of success. 
MAGS provides comprehensive preparatory support for your future career, whether in the private, public sector or international agencies. 
In addition to the academic knowledge and skills specific to the course of study, HR professionals and experts will work alongside the Master's staff to help you build your career path.  

Your professional path

Your professional path

Thanks to the partnership with AEGIS Human Consulting Group, during MAGS you will be able to assess your potential and the aspects of your personal and professional development that need to be improved. 
A new, completely redesigned and enhanced pathway, made up of plenary sessions and dedicated one-to-one meetings, will enable you to enter the job market with all the right cards to start your future career with drive and success.


Giulia, MAGS 2023/23, has started her internship at CONFINDUSTRIA rep office in Brussels.
“It’s the right place to be in strict contact with institutions, to learn what’s the work and how the work is done.”
In this interview she explains her duties but also her first takeaways from this challenging experience. 

Watch the video on Instagram and follow the ASERI page!


Being aware of the different factors that contribute to making a country 'attractive' for possible investment is crucial for a company. This is what Luca Parisi (MAGS 2022/23) has done for BICASA, a manufacturer of equipment and furniture for scientific laboratories during his internship. 

Watch the video interview on Instragram and follow the ASERI page!

Viola Rezzaro


Viola Rezzaro

Working local, acting global. Like Viola Rezzaro (MAGS 2022/23) who, working from the offices of the Milan Municipality, has done her internship at the European Funds and Programs Department.

Thanks to its multidisciplinary approach, the Master in Advanced Global Studies opens to very different career paths from the private sector to Public Administrations.

Watch the video on Instagram and follow the ASERI page!

Key facts

According to a survey*, 85% of the MAGS students are active in the job market within 6 months from their graduation (49% within 3 months). 
Here some key figures.
*survey conducted among 111 MAGS graduates from 2014 to 2019. 


Thanks to its varied employability and opennes to the world, MAGS graduates find job opportunities in all continents.


Where do MAGS Graduates find their first job?
36% find their job in the private sector (from banks to consulting, form legal to consumer goods). 
27% work in local and international institutions (from chambers of commerce to EU/international agencies)
12% continue to study (PhD) or serve in research centers and think tanks
10% are active in the wide sector of international cooperation (NGOs, human rights-related agencies etc)
5% start their career in international relations and foreign affairs

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