
First Level Specializing Master | 20. edition

Master in Advanced Global Studies

Academic Year: 2025/26
When: January 2026 - December 2026
Where: Milan @ASERI
Applications Deadlines: 

  • International candidates: 29 October 2025
  • Italian candidates: 23 November 2025


For the next leaders of the international scenario

The Master in Advanced Global Studies (MAGS) provides graduates with a comprehensive approach on global studies and international relations from the political, economic and juridical side, as well as specific focuses on regional areas and on human security and sustainable development, tackling issues such as environmental policies, migration flows, humanitarian affairs. Distinguished Faculty and top-level professionals make the Master a unique experience.



First level specializing master (Master universitario di primo livello)


1 year: January 2026 - December 20256
In presence classes + Project Work + Internship (3 months)



MAGS addresses to graduates coming from all over the world with diverse academic backgrounds.


Professional outcomes 

Thanks to the multidisciplinary nature of the Master, MAGS graduates can access various career paths ranging from private companies to public administrations, from international organizations to research centres and NGOs.

Language of instruction

MAGS is taught in English


65 ECTS credits (60 minimum ETCS credits required to graduate)

Applications opening and deadlines: 

Applications Opening: March 11, 2025

Applications Deadlines:

  • International candidates: 29 October 2025
  • Domestic Candidates: 23 November 2025
Prof Palano's address

The director

Prof Palano's address

The Master in Advanced Global Studies – MAGS is an innovative program developed for graduates wanting to deepen their knowledge in the field of International Relations. Distinguished Faculty and top-level professionals make the Master a unique experience. The MAGS provides a well-balanced combination of theory and practice, enriching the learning process, by focusing on international relations, economics, politics and law, as well as those emerging issues that challenge today’s global system such as human security and sustainable development.

MAGS Highligts


MAGS Highligts

Discover al the features of the Master and listen to the exciting experience of Giulia Lizzi, Alumna of the MAGS, connected from Nairobi, where she is working for the United Nations Development Program.

Olyne Mavakala | Italy | Executive Assistant, McKinsey


Olyne Mavakala | Italy | Executive Assistant, McKinsey

I am currently working as Executive Assistant in McKinsey & Company. As an Executive Assistant, I support my three Partners agendas sustaining the relations between the Firm and the clients. 
During my jouney within the master's I had the opportunity to attend several studies that helped me have a wider underestanding and wisdom on European Istitutions without realizing that this enourmous baggage of knowledge would have been so resourceful for my current job. 

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