
Learning objectives

The Master in Advanced Global Studies (MAGS) is tailored to

  • train professionals and analysts able to work in any international environment 
  • provide analytical skills to comprehend and manage the world’s complexity 
  • make students adjustable and flexible in order to function in different scenarios
  • provide hard skills through a multidisciplinary academic curriculum that includes theory and practice 
  • help students improving soft skills through seminars, workshops and individual tutoring 

Structure of the master

The Master in Advanced Global Studies (MAGS) programme is structured in four integrated levels, aimed at fostering a multidimensional education which includes also research skills, analytical tools and professional development.

1st Level – Scientific Training and Management Skills

Economics Human Security & Sustainable Development
International Relations Law and Institutions
Management Skills 

2nd Level – Advanced Training on Regional Areas

Africa Asia
Europe Latin America
Middle East

3rd Level 


4th Level




1st Level - Scientific Training & Management Skills

The course offers an important opportunity to deepen the theoretical analysis of the economic, political, historical, legal and institutional issues relevant to the global system. Thanks to the multidisciplinary character of this area, students have the opportunity to study and evaluate specific problems from different yet connected perspectives.

Area A- Economics

  • The Open Economy: Theory and Policy - Emilio Colombo (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan)
  • International Integration, Global Trade and Development - Sara Balestri (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan)
  • Global inequality and other challenges to the liberal world order - Martin Klein (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg)

Area B- International Relations

  • The Theory and Practice of International Relations - Michael Cox (London School of Economics and Political Science)
  • Ethical Issues in War and Peace - Matthew Anthony Evangelista (Cornell University, Ithaca)
  • Region Building and World Order - Ludger Kühnhardt (University of Bonn)
  • Religion and World Politics – Joerg Friedrichs (University of Oxford)

Area C- Law and Institutions

  • Public International Law - Marco Gestri (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia School of Law/ Johns Hopkins University, SAIS Europe)
  • The Multilateral Trading System (WTO) - Thomas A. Zimmermann (University of St. Gallen)
  • EU Law and Institutions - Miklós Király (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)
  • International Human Rights Law -  Luca Lionello (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan)

Area D- Human Security and Sustainable Development

  • Global Energy and Climate Policy  - Pierpaolo Raimondi (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan)
  • Understanding migration and humanitarian affairs - Estella Carpi (University College London)
  • The Role of Private Sector and Partnerships for Development. New trends and models for a collective prosperity - Arouna Roshanian (European Commission Delegation in Togo)
  • Energy transition and environmental democracy - Ignacio Lara (Asuntos del Sur, Argentina)
  • From civil military cooperation to the comprehensive approach: lesson learned from critical areas - Marco Lombardi (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan)
  • Financing the Sustainable Development Goals: What It Is Coming Next? – Massimiliano Riva (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development)

Area E- Management Skills

  • A Practitioner’s Approach to Global Studies: Raoul Ascari (Concrete Finance and ITARE)
  • Negotiating a complex scenario: how to prepare and manage a negotiation process on a regional crisis - Aldo Pigoli (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan)
  • The Bafa Bafa exercise -  Giuseppe Scaratti (Università degli studi di Bergamo)
  • Your Professional Path - Aegis Group, Milan 


2nd Level - Advanced Training on Regional Areas

The Master’s program includes an advanced training programme on all regional areas of the globe. Professionals and experts from specific fields are involved in addressing introductory courses, as well as seminars and case studies, as follows: 

Latin America

  • Introduction to Latin American Politics - Andrés Malamud (University of Lisbon)
  • The Political economy of Latin America - Isabella Alcañiz (University of Maryland)


  • Growth and development in Africa - Raoul Ascari (Concrete Finance and ITARE)
  • Religions, Conflicts and Slavery in Africa: Case Studies - Beatrice Nicolini (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan)

Middle East

  • The IR of Middle East - Ibrahim Al-Marashi (California State University San Marcos, & Middlebury Institute of International Studies)
  • ASEAN and Southeast Asian Regionalism -  Hana Umezawa 


  • China and East Asia in a changing world order Giuseppe Gabusi (University of Turin)
  • China: global integration, investments and structural changes - Thomas Rosenthal (EU Chamber of Commerce in China)


  • A Liberal Actor in an Illiberal World? The Foreign Policy of the European Union – Enrico Fassi (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan)
  • The case study of the Next Generation EU programme and the EU Recovery Funds – Renato Giacon (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development)
  • Lobbying at the EU: basic principles and practice - Matteo Carlo Borsani (Delegation of Confindustria to the European Union)
  • EU trade policy in an evolving global environment - Philippe Musquar (European Parliament)
  • Go East: the internationalization strategy of European companies and banks - Matteo Ferrazzi (European Investment Bank)


3rd Level - Project Work

At the end of the Master, students must produce an original Project Work scientifically based on one of the courses of the curriculum, with the help of a Supervisor chosen among the Faculty. 


4th Level - Internship

The Master experience is completed with a 3 months internship, an invaluable opportunity to learn first-hand new competencies and improve skills. 


Assessment and Diploma

1st level Specializing Master's Degree issued by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italian Law D.M. 509/99) will be granted at the end of the Master’s course upon achievement of 60 ECTS credits, gained through the attendance to all the Master activities and the positive results in the examinations taken. All the Master’s activities (exams, internship, project work) must be performed.


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