Oliva Francesca

Francesca has a 15 year experience in working in development and cooperation in sub-Saharan African countries. She has been involved over time in sustainable energy access and energy efficiency programs for which she holds the position of technical advisor in AVSI Foundation. Since April 2021 she is also started a collaboration as Heads of Operations with the energy company Equatorial Power ltd in Uganda. She is the board chairperson of the social business iFishFarm ltd that has been established in Uganda by AVSI foundation in the fish farming sector. Francesca Oliva graduated in Economics and Social Sciences at Università Luigi Bocconi (2002). She attended the Master in “European Studies and Global Affairs” at ASERI in 2003.


e-mail: francesca.oliva@avsi.org
personal page: https://ug.linkedin.com/pub/francesca-oliva/0/4a4/75a


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