
Vittorio Emanuele Parsi

"At ASERI We believe in our students because they are the future of the international economies and policies. We believe dynamic and contemporary training will prepare our young professionals to effectively operate in international organizations and institutions, multinational companies, and NGOs."   

Prof. V.E.Parsi, Director

In this section some of the recent contributions of the Director ASERI, Prof Vittorio Emanuele in public events and on the media

The director's corner

1 July 2022

Prof Parsi interviewed by MicroMega on the recent NATO decisions on the Ukranuiancrisis. 
And much more.

Chi si fa agnello Putin se lo mangia

The director's corner

Chi si fa agnello Putin se lo mangia

17 June 2022
The Russian president is a criminal and is challenging the West. Prof V.E .Parsi replies to those who would like peace at all costs. "If we allow violence to win, we will pay for it as well".
Prof Parsi on the Weekly OGGI interviewed by Fiamma Tinelli, 

The war in Ukraine, China and our future

The director's corner

The war in Ukraine, China and our future

13 June 2022
A discussion on the current situation with Rivista Aristotele 

The director's corner

11 June 2022
Prof Prsi's latest book "Titanic. Naufragio o cambio di rotta per l'ordine internazionale" receives the Premio Margutta (Literature), an award patronized by the Italian Army. 
Read the article. 

A chat with Parabellum

The Director's Corner

A chat with Parabellum

09 June 2022

An interview with Parabellum, the YouTube channel on the second World War.

Row materials: a malediction for Russia

The Director's corner

Row materials: a malediction for Russia

22 May 2022
Row materials and their role in the Russina war to Ukraina
Talking with BNP Paribas 


15 April 2022

Guerra in Ucraina e Nato, Parsi: "Tutti gli altri Stati dell'Unione hanno il dovere di andare in assistenza di Svezia e Finlandia in caso di aggressione militare esterna"

Ar TGCom24


15 April 2022
Durata della guerra in Ucraina, come si posiziona l'Europa? Parsi: "E' quanto meno bizzarro pensare che ci sia da costruire un'identità di vedute tra Unione europea e Stati Uniti"

At TGCom24


15 April 2022

Putin si fermerà al Donbass o andrà avanti? Parsi: "Intanto dobbiamo sempre considerare che Putin per il momento si sta fermando dove gli ucraini lo hanno bloccato"
At TGCom24


15 April 2022
"51° giorno di guerra, ma di negoziati neanche l'ombra, Parsi: "Per poter negoziare occorre che la parte che aggredisce sia disposta a sedersi a un tavolo di trattativa"
At TGCom24 

Could the Ukranian conflict be prevented?

the director's corner

Could the Ukranian conflict be prevented?

14 April 2022
Could the Ukranian confilct be prevented? Discover the analysis of Prof Parsi in a new informal talk with the economist Prof Michele Boldrin, Joseph Gibson Hoyt Distinguished Professor in Art and Sciences at the Washington University.

La miniera


La miniera

7 April 2022
Talking about the Ukranian crysis with the Youtuber Ivan Grieco & C

The Director's corner

6 April 2022
An interview to Prof Parsi on the webmagazine l'Argomento

Presenting Titanic

the director's corner

Presenting Titanic

5 april 2022
A dialogue with Prof Parsi and Giampaolo Conte (Università Roma Tre) and Alessandro Albanese Ginammi (Università per Stranieri di Perugia)

The Director's corner

3 April 2022 
Prof Parsi at TG1 Rai on Ukraine

Ukraine, Titanic a long chat with Michele Boldrin

the Director's corner

Ukraine, Titanic a long chat with Michele Boldrin

2 April 2022
A long and in dept talk on the current Ukranian crisis and the recently published book by Prof. Parsi. "Titanic, naufragio o cambio di rotta per l'ordine liberale." 
A dialogue with the economist Prof Michele Boldrin,  Joseph Gibson Hoyt Distinguished Professor in Art and Sciences at the Washington University, and with other guests. 

Presenting Titanic

The director's corner

Presenting Titanic

23 March 2022

Prof Parsi presents his recent book "Titanic: naufragio o cambio di rotta per l'ordine liberale".

Interview by the Jounalist Claudio Capitini

the director's corner

21 March 2022

Prof Parsi's latest book Titanic, reviewd on Il Sussidiario.net

La Russia si è concentrata sul nucleare e sul balistico


La Russia si è concentrata sul nucleare e sul balistico

18 March 2022
Prof Parsi at Omnibus | La7
Leopoli sotto attacco, l'analisi di Vittorio Emanuele Parsi: "Incidente con la NATO? Non sempre deve esserci una reazione. La Russia si è concentrata sul nucleare e sul balistico"


18 March 2022
Prof Parsi at Omnibus | La7
Guerra, il paragone storico di Parsi: "Per Putin l'Ucraina è come la Grecia per Mussolini, l'inizio della débacle del regime. Unico mediatore possibile è la Cina"

Le democrazie non si fanno le guerre tra loro


Le democrazie non si fanno le guerre tra loro

18 March 2022
Prof Parsi at Omnibus | La7
Ucraina, il prof. Vittorio Emanuele Parsi: "Le democrazie non si fanno le guerre tra loro"


5 March 2022

Prof Parsi at Frontiere - La lunga notte dell'Ucraina | Rai3

Parsi at high school

The director's corner

Parsi at high school

4 March 2021
Prof Parsi meets the students of the Liceo Michelangiolo in Florence

The director's corner

2 March 2022

Prof Parsi launching his latest book: Titanic. Naufragio o cambio di rotta per l'ordine liberale.
A dialogue with the journalist Gad Lerner

At Millevoci | Radio Svizzera Italiana

The director's corner

Prof Parsi commenting on the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

At 60 Minuti | RSI (Swiss tv)

At Sermig's Università del dialogo


At Sermig's Università del dialogo

January 27 2022

Prof Parsi guest of the Sermig University of Dialogue. At the "Arsenale della Pace" in Turin a debate on the theme "The world in our hands", to reflect on the effects of the pandemic on politics and international relations.


14 January, 2022
Journalist Giancarlo Loquenzi interviews Prof. Parsi on the Euro-Russian negotiations running (or not running) in these days. 
Listen to the interview at Zapping, the radiobroadcast of  Radio1-RAI.
From min 57 

Looking ahead on the world scenario

the director's corner

Looking ahead on the world scenario

February 6, 2022

Prof Parsi shoots a picture of the current international situation and tries to figure out the next frame of the film of the world. A dilalogue with Pandora Rivista. 

WarRoom: Italy-France agreement

The director's corner

WarRoom: Italy-France agreement

1 December 2021

What is behind the Italy-France agreement (Trattato del Quirinale) that was signed on November 26, 2021?
The columnist Enrico Cisnetto debates with Piero Fassino, Italian MP, Giampiero Massolo ISPI Director and Prof V.E. Parsi.

18 November 2021
The destiny of a few thousand refugees at the European borders is only a pawn in a bigger game, in which different players (Belarus, Russia) move their pieces in their own favour, and Europe proves to be weak and unable to oppose common policies on many issues, not only the migration one. 
Interview of V. E. Parsi on Panorama
(ph ANSA)

Il futuro delle relazioni transatlantiche anche nel contesto degli sviluppi nell’Indo-Pacifico

the Director's corner

Il futuro delle relazioni transatlantiche anche nel contesto degli sviluppi nell’Indo-Pacifico

15 November 2021

Video of the conference held in ASERI: A dialogue between Prof Prof. Vittorio Emanuele Parsi and His Excellency, the Ambassador Francesco M. Talò, Permanent Representative of Italy to NATO.

L'illusione liberista

the Director's corner

L'illusione liberista

4 November 2021

Presentation of the book ‘L’illusione liberista’ by Prof Andrea Boitani at Università Cattolica of Milano

Comune di Vittorio Veneto

The director's corner

Comune di Vittorio Veneto

1 October 2021

The Municipality of VITTORIO VENETO in collaboration with Historia Gruppo Studi Storici e Sociali Pordenone and Limes Club Pordenone Udine Venezia presents: "Vulnerabili: come la pandemia sta cambiando la politica e il mondo".

E' Storia

The director's corner

E' Storia

2 October 2021

Historia, "Gruppo Studi Storici e Sociali Pordenone" and "Limes Club Pordenone-Udine-Venezia" in the framework of the international festival of History E'storia 2021 Follia, presents: "Come la pandemia sta cambiando il mondo. Madness in international relations",  

UniPR on air

the Director's corner

UniPR on air

21 September 2021

Prof Parsi interviewed by Prof Emanuele Castelli, Adjunct Professor of Political science at Università of Parma.  

Dialoghi di Pandora Rivista

The director's corner

Dialoghi di Pandora Rivista

15 Semptember 2021

Festival "Dialoghi di Pandora Rivista", 2021
Away from Kabul. The world after the defeat in Afghanistan

  • Francesca Mannocchi - Journalist, documentary filmmaker and contributor to l'Espresso
  • Gastone Breccia - Professor of Byzantine history and ancient military history University of Pavia
  • Vittorio Emanuele Parsi - Director of ASERI
Three Scenarios after the virus

The Director's corner

Three Scenarios after the virus

19 June 2021

XXIV Course of geopolitics on line by Historia. 

War Room

The director's corner

War Room

12 May 2021

Biden and Pope Francis equate anti-Covid serum with 'common good'. Is taking away patents on vaccines a good idea? Enrico Cisnetto discusses with Leonardo Becchetti, Professor of Political Economy University of Rome Tor Vergata, Vittorio Emanuele Parsi, Professor of International Relations Catholic University of Milan and Carlo Stagnaro, Director of Research and Studies Bruno Leoni Institute

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