
Meet the ASERI Masters Programs at the Open Evening Unicatt

Join the Open Evening Unicatt and meet the ASERI Team

Find out which of the Masters' Programs offered by ASERI best fits your future career plans.

You can choose among a rich portfolio that will shape you as a leader in the fields of International Relations, Cooperation, Cultural Diplomacy and Middle Eastern Studies.

10.06.2024 from 5.00 PM

The coordinators will welcome you in the University cloisters for a face-to-face meeeting.

Register to participate*

* To registrer for the Open Evening Unicatt follow this link.
If you want to book your meeting with ASERI, choose the following options:
Master Universitari + Politica, Società e Relazioni Internazionali

(Master in Economia e Politiche Internazionali) 

A multidisciplinary approach to understand and shape future policies in a global world

Università Cattolica (ASERI) + Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI)
When: September 2024 - December 2026
Where: Lugano @USI | Milan @ASERI
Language: in Italian and English

Formula: two semesters at USI, Lugano + one semester at ASERI, Milan + Project Work/Thesis + Internship
Applications are open! 

"Citizens of the World" to create bridges across cultures for dialogue and peace building

1 year specializing master (Master di I livello)
When: October 24 - October 25
Where: in Rome (Università Cattolica)
Language: in English 
Formula: full time
In presence classes + Project work + Internship

Applications are open!

For the future players of the global arena

1 year specializing master (Master di I livello)
When: January 25 - December 25
Where: in Milan (ASERI - Università Cattolica)
Language: in English 
Formula: full time
In presence classes + Project work + Internship
Applications are open!

Understanding and interacting within the complexity of a crucial region: the Middle East

1 year specializing master (Master di I livello)
When: January 25 - December 25
Where: in Milan (ASERI - Università Cattolica)
Language: in English 
Formula: full time
In presence classes + Project work + Internship
Applications are open!

Change makers for global sustainable development

1 year specializing master (Master di I livello)
When: January 25 - December 25
Where: in Milan (ASERI - Università Cattolica)
Language: in English 
Formula: full time
In presence classes + Project work + Internship
Applications are open!

Would you like to be updated on our programmes, courses and initiatives? Just send us your contact details