
Theory and practice

MICaD courses benefit from the contribution of leading practitioners and scholars, from Italian and international organizations and institutions. 
The Faculty comprises both academic and professional members that assure a 360 degree coverage on theoretical topics and practical aspects of cooperation and development.

MICAD Director

Prof Simona Beretta is full professor of International Economics at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

MICAD Faculty video

Giacomo Agosti

Giacomo Agosti

Learn from those who practice cooperation and development every day, in the field. 
Giacomo Agosti, Project Cyle Managment and innovation Advisor at NGO CESVI, will share his expertise on the topics of Monitoring and Evaluation and Theory of Change.

What is Development? In the course taught by Manuela Tortora, a former senior staff member at UNCTAD (UN Conference on Trade and Development), students took part in a little game: they wrote down their own definitions of Development, sealed them and, at the end of the lectures, 'unboxed' them, discussing all together how much and how the definitions had been enriched with new meanings.

Discover more about the course taught by Dr Tortora and follow ASERI Instragram PAGE!

Paul Dembinsky

Paul Dembinsky

"The problem with finance and development is that there is a huge machinery of finance, but it is very poorly serving the needs of developing countries".
This is the core of the course "Global Finance and Development: Servant or Deceiver?" held by Professor Paul Dembinsky from the University of Freibourg (CH) and director of the Observatoire de la Finance.

Giovanna Prennushi

Giovanna Prennushi

Why data matters for development? Giovanna Prennushi teaches MICaD students how to collect and analyse data through her hands-on course

Prof. Mathias Nebel

Prof. Mathias Nebel

Do you wish to study and practice the connection between good governance and development? The many case studies illustrated during the course will let you discover its inner mechanisms

Dr. Mariacristina Armellin

Dr. Mariacristina Armellin

Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction in Development to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

MICAD Faculty

Beretta Simona

Beretta Simona

Master MICAD Director

Full Professor of International Economics at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Armellin Maria Cristina

Armellin Maria Cristina

Senior Grants Portfolio Manager at World Vision UK and Subject Matter Expert on Natural Environment and Climate Change at WV International’s Global Technical Resource Network.

Ceolotto Matteo

Ceolotto Matteo

Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Cinque Frank

Cinque Frank

General Manager of the E4Impact Foundation. Managing Director of  ALTIS, Graduate School Business & Society

Dembinski Paul

Dembinski Paul

Chair of International Strategy and Competition on a half-time basis, University of Fribourg

Giordano Francesca

Giordano Francesca

Research Fellow on resilience and trauma issues and Assistant Professor in child psychology – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Lara Ignacio Fernando

Lara Ignacio Fernando

Environmental Democracy and Global South Coordinator (Asuntos del Sur, Argentina).

Nebel Mathias

Nebel Mathias

Mathias Nebel is currently Professor of Christian Social Ethics at the Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP) and Director of a Research Centre dedicated to the common good at the same University (Instituto Promotor del Bien Común).

Oliva Francesca

Oliva Francesca

Energy Advisor for Fondazione AVSI and Head of Operations for Equatorial Power ltd

Pigoli Aldo

Pigoli Aldo

Adjunct Professor of History of Contemporary Africa and History of Civilizations and Political Cultures at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Prennushi Giovanna

Prennushi Giovanna

Independent consultant and university lecturer and worked in the World Bank from 1993 to 2015 on poverty monitoring, analysis, and evaluation, poverty reduction strategies, and country programs

Redaelli Riccardo

Redaelli Riccardo

Master MIMES Director

Professor of History and Institutions of Asia and Director of the Center for Research on the Southern System and the Wider Mediterranean

Riccardi Michele

Riccardi Michele

Senior researcher at Transcrime and adjunct professor of Business Economics at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Rossi Andrea

Rossi Andrea

Director of the Measurement and Human Rights Programme at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University where he worked  at the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, Senior Advisor for Social and Economic Policy for UNICEF

Schunk Javier

Schunk Javier

Coordinator of the Master in Development and the Diploma of International co-operation in ISPI (Milan)

Strazzari Nicola

Strazzari Nicola

Head of research and strategic development at Vision Plus Media Enterprises

Tortora Manuela

Tortora Manuela

Former Senior UN officer (UNCTAD, Geneva), currently independent consultant on trade and development. Visiting Professor at ASERI since 2002.

Uberti Teodora Erika

Uberti Teodora Erika

Lecturer on Economic policies against crime activities at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

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